The Blue Zones Solution

The Blue Zones Solution Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People

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Publisher's Synopsis

In this groundbreaking book, Dan Buettner reveals how to transform your health using smart eating and lifestyle habits gleaned from new research on the diets, eating habits, and lifestyle practices of the communities he's identified as "Blue Zones"-those places with the world's longest-lived, and thus healthiest, people, including locations such as Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California. Throughout the book are lifestyle recommendations, checklists, and stories to help you create your own personal Blue Zones solution. Readers will learn and apply the 80/20 rule, the plant slant diet, social aspects of eating that lead to weight loss and great health naturally, cultivating your "tribe" of friends and family, and your greater purpose as part of your daily routine. Filled with moving personal stories, delicious recipes, checklists, and useful tips that will transform any home into a miniature blue zone, The Blue Zones Solution is the ultimate blueprint for a healthy, happy life.

Book information

ISBN: 9781426211928
Publisher: National Geographic
Imprint: National Geographic
Pub date:
DEWEY: 613.2
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 319
Weight: 492g
Height: 166mm
Width: 236mm
Spine width: 33mm