My Brother Sam Is Dead: An Instructional Guide for Literature

My Brother Sam Is Dead: An Instructional Guide for Literature An Instructional Guide for Literature - Great Works

eBook (01 Jul 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Looking for ways to add rigor to your students' explorations of rich, complex literature? Students will be engaged as they analyze this classic Newbery Honor book about a family divided by the American Revolutionary War. My Brother Sam Is Dead: An Instructional Guide for Literature provides engaging activities that incorporate the following research-based literacy skills: close reading tasks; text-based vocabulary practice; cross-curricular activities; text-dependent questions; reader response writing prompts; leveled comprehension questions; story elements comprehension tasks; diverse and relevant assessments. Strengthen your students' literacy skills by implementing this high-interest resource in your classroom!

Book information

ISBN: 9781425897260
Publisher: Shell Education Pub
Imprint: Shell Education Pub
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 72
Weight: -1g