Publisher's Synopsis
"12 enchanting adventures, featuring favorite Disney and Disney*Pixar characters from Monsters, Inc., The Lion King, Tangled, and more, each taking only five minutes to read"--.
First edition
Hardback (01 Oct 2013)
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"12 enchanting adventures, featuring favorite Disney and Disney*Pixar characters from Monsters, Inc., The Lion King, Tangled, and more, each taking only five minutes to read"--.
Disney Press is a department of Disney Publishing Worldwide, a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company.
ISBN: | 9781423167655 |
Publisher: | Disney Publishing Group |
Imprint: | Disney Press |
Pub date: | 01 Oct 2013 |
Edition: | First edition |
DEWEY: | [E] |
DEWEY edition: | 23 |
Language: | English |
Number of pages: | 188 |
Weight: | 848g |
Height: | 204mm |
Width: | 273mm |
Spine width: | 28mm |