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Discourse on the Method of Rightly...

Discourse on the Method of Rightly...

Hardback (20 Feb 2006)

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Publisher's Synopsis

If this Discourse appear too long to be read at once, it may be divided into six Parts: and, in the first, will be found various considerations touching the Sciences; in the second, the principal rules of the Method which the Author has discovered, in the third, certain of the rules of Morals which he has deduced from this Method; in the fourth, the reasonings by which he establishes the existence of God and of the Human Soul, which are the foundations of his Metaphysic; in the fifth, the order of the Physical questions which he has invest-igated, and, in particular, the explication of the motion of the heart and of some other difficulties pertaining to Medicine, as also the difference between the soul of man and that of the brutes; and, in the last, what the Author believes to be required in order to greater advancement in the investigation of Nature than has yet been made, with the reasons that have induced him to write.

Book information

ISBN: 9781421808499
Publisher: 1st World Library - Literary Society
Imprint: 1st World Library - Literary Society
Pub date:
DEWEY: 194
Language: English
Number of pages: 124
Weight: 320g
Height: 225mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 15mm