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The Secret World of Arrietty

The Secret World of Arrietty Picture Book - The Secret World of Arrietty Picture Book

Hardback (19 Jan 2012)

  • $22.75
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Publisher's Synopsis

Based on the beloved classic The Borrowers by Mary Norton. The picture book based on the movie!

Arrietty isn't your ordinary fourteen-year-old girl--she's small enough to make her home under the floorboards of a typical house, "borrowing" what she and her family need from the giants in whose shadows they live. A young boy named Shawn befriends Arrietty, but when adults discover the Borrowers, Arrietty and Shawn must work together to save her family. Based on the classic novel series The Borrowers by Mary Norton, The Secret World of Arrietty is a delight for all ages.

Arrietty longs for adventures, but the world can be a dangerous place for one so small. She and her family live hidden beneath the floorboards of a house, borrowing the things they need from the humans who live inside. When Arrietty is discovered by a human boy named Shawn, her world is no longer secret and her family is in danger. If Arrietty can trust Shawn to protect her, she might discover a friendship she never imagined possible.

Book information

ISBN: 9781421541150
Publisher: VIZ Media
Imprint: VIZ Media, LLC
Pub date:
DEWEY: [Fic]
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 140
Weight: 722g
Height: 260mm
Width: 223mm
Spine width: 15mm