The Data-Driven Classroom

The Data-Driven Classroom How Do I Use Student Data to Improve My Instruction? - ASCD Arias

eBook (11 Aug 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Thanks to initiatives like the Common Core and Race to the Top, accountability requirements continue to be a reality for educators. Yet many are still unsure of how to use data to make well-informed instructional decisions.The Data-Driven Classroom comes to the rescue with a systematic, universal process that shows teachers how to* Examine student assessment results to identify a curricular or skill area to target for individual intervention or large-group instructional revision.* Develop, implement, and assess the effectiveness of the intervention or revision.* Develop an action plan for future instructional cycles.Author Craig A. Mertler sheds light on how teachers can make sense of overwhelming standardized test reports while avoiding pitfalls like over-interpreting data. In these pages you will also find practical classroom examples and templates designed to guide teachers of all grade levels and subject areas through the comprehensive decision-making framework.

Book information

ISBN: 9781416619789
Publisher: ASCD
Imprint: ASCD
Pub date:
DEWEY: 371.26
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 42
Weight: -1g