Publisher's Synopsis
Video 4 from the Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment Video Series begins with an anatomical review of the breasts and axillary lymph nodes. Then it demonstrates how to inspect the breast, nipples, and axillae; screen for retraction; palpate the axillary lymph nodes, breasts, nipples, and areolae; and evaluate any lump or mass. It also shows how to examine men's breasts and how to teach women about breast self-examination (BSE) and mammography.
- Bonus materials include:
- Health history topics about the breasts and axillae
- A list of equipment for examining the breast and regional lymphatics
- One cross-cultural scene about breast care in Black woman
- Three developmental scenes about breast development in adolescence, normal breast changes in pregnancy, and nipple palpation in pregnant or lactating women
- Two health promotion scenarios about BSE and mammography
- A list of patient-teaching topics, ranging from reducing the risk of breast cancer to relieving normal cyclic breast pain