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Sandwiches (Dodo Press)

Sandwiches (Dodo Press)

Paperback (18 Sep 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Sarah Tyson Rorer (1849-1937) was an American pioneer in the field of domestic science. She was born at Richboro, Pa., educated at East Aurora, New York, and served as principal of the Philadelphia School of Domestic Science. She was editor and part owner of Table Talk from 1886 to 1892, was an editor of Household News from 1893 to 1897, then was a member of the staff of the Ladies Home Journal until 1911 when Good Housekeeping secured her services. She published many books on cooking which became standard. Her works include: Many Ways for Cooking Eggs (1907/12) and Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings Together With Refreshments for All Social Affairs (1913).

About the Publisher

Dodo Press

Dodo Press has re-published over fifteen thousand out of print or difficult to find titles. By doing this we have made thousands of titles available to readers that were previously impossible to get hold of.

Book information

ISBN: 9781409990123
Publisher: Book Depository Limited
Imprint: Dodo Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 58
Weight: 108g
Height: 141mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 4mm