Time to Shine, Sunny

Time to Shine, Sunny - Little Bugs Big Feelings

Paperback original

Paperback (22 May 2025)

  • $9.84

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Publisher's Synopsis

An adorable story about CONFIDENCE to boost self-esteem and celebrate kindness, set in an exciting, vibrant minibeast world.

In the wild patch of the garden, under brambles roaming free
Live little bugs whose feelings are as big as big can be . .

Little Sunny Snail loves celebrating her friends' talents at the Bug of the Month Award. She dreams of winning herself one day, but worries she isn't the best at anything! She can't flutter beautifully like Daisy Dragonfly, and she's certainly not super speedy like Waverly Water Boatman.

Can Sunny's friends show her she has plenty to celebrate?

Inspiring the littlest bugs to encourage their friends and recognise their own gifts too. Beautifully brought to life by Hollie Hughes, author of The Girl and the Dinosaur and Nila Aye, illustrator of Nature Trail.

Don't miss more from the LITTLE BUGS, BIG FEELINGS series:
You Can Do It, Clover!
Be Yourself, Buddy!

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Orchard Books

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Book information

ISBN: 9781408367223
Publisher: Hachette Children's Group
Imprint: Orchard Books
Pub date:
Edition: Paperback original
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 41g
Height: 250mm
Width: 250mm