Macmillan Readers Great Expectations Upper Intermediate Pack

Macmillan Readers Great Expectations Upper Intermediate Pack

Paperback (18 May 2005)

  • $22.14
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Publisher's Synopsis

Great Expectations is an adapted Upper level reader written by Charles Dickens. One evening, 8-year-old Pip meets an escaped convict on the marshes. Shortly afterwards, he is summoned to Satis House, home of the strange, reclusive Miss Havisham. Here, Pip meets and falls in love with the beautiful, cold-hearted Estella. Includes an Audio CD.

Book information

ISBN: 9781405076821
Publisher: Macmillan Education
Imprint: Macmillan Education
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 95
Weight: 148g
Height: 132mm
Width: 197mm
Spine width: 10mm