The Artist

The Artist

Hardback original

Hardback (30 Jan 2025)

  • $22.55

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Publisher's Synopsis


Ettie moves through the remote farmhouse, silently creating the conditions that make her uncle's artistic genius possible.

Joseph, an aspiring journalist, has been invited to the house. He believes he'll make his name by interviewing the reclusive painter, the great Edouard Tartuffe.

But everyone has their secrets. And, under the cover of darkness, Ettie has spent years cultivating hers.

Over this sweltering summer, everyone's true colours will be revealed.

Because Ettie is ready to be seen.
Even if it means setting her world on fire.

Book information

ISBN: 9781399819565
Publisher: John Murray Press
Imprint: John Murray
Pub date:
Edition: Hardback original
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 304
Weight: -1g
Height: 240mm
Width: 156mm