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TeeJay Maths Primary 1: Bumper Workbook A

TeeJay Maths Primary 1: Bumper Workbook A

Paperback (31 Jan 2020)

  • $14.31
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Publisher's Synopsis

Learning + fun = TeeJay Maths!
The No.1 choice for Scottish parents and teachers for over 25 years

- Help your child to develop essential numeracy and mathematical skills throughout Primary 1

- Watch your child's confidence grow as they practise and improve their maths skills

- Check understanding using 'I can do this' pages at the end of each topic

6 clear and colourful write-in workbooks
- Easy for you to use
- Fun for your child to fill in!

Topics covered:
- Counting 0 to 5
- Counting 0 to 10
- Ordering Numbers 0 to 10
- Adding 0 to 5
- Adding 0 to 10
- Subtraction 0 to 10

Book information

ISBN: 9781398306493
Publisher: Hodder Education Group
Imprint: Hodder Gibson
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 286g
Height: 210mm
Width: 294mm
Spine width: 9mm