Publisher's Synopsis
The life of a human being is composed of several dynamics in permanent interaction. From these dynamic, results identity and material reality, but also the group of people who we interact with, the emotions involved in these interactions and the realization or not of dreams.
In this work, it's intended to make known how all these dynamics function, explaining about the different elements and mechanisms inherent to the existence of a being, which interfere in structuring his soul.
It is therefore important to know how the reality is transformed and how this process affects the composition of the identity.
Written in an objective way, throughout the various chapters is presented the dynamic of spiritual energy, which interferes in the transformation of many aspects of life, how it operates according to the divine rules and how it can be developed to allow greater personal fulfillment.
The concepts used here are part of a context far beyond the common usage that often assume, to unveil a more complete and pragmatic overview of the meaning of life.
Following on the promotion of responsibility and self-knowledge, there is still a demonstration of principles that unite human action with the divine purpose, with the recognition of the spiritual flow that manifests at birth in the innate skills and determines the mission of each individual in the planet.
Throughout the various chapters, these facts allow the awareness of the meaning of existence, while deconstructing complex subjects and enabling better assimilation of the link they assume between themselves.
"Happiness is not related to the intensity, but with balance, order, rhythm and harmony" (Thomas Merton).
The science of the soul goes far beyond what modern psychology could affirm or understand, and cuts across all areas of life and personalities, in any corner of the world, because to live in wisdom "the best and safest thing to do is to maintain balance in life, recognize the great powers around us and within us" (Euripides).