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The Twelve Visits of Christmas

The Twelve Visits of Christmas

Paperback (16 Nov 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Twelve families in need, two friends with a heart to serve, and a love struggling to surface.

Colette Hillard and Elliott Ashcroft have been friends for over three years - and each is harboring a secret fondness for the other.

Elliot hasn't dated anyone for two years - but that isn't enough evidence to convince Colette he has feelings for her. She hangs back and waits, hopes, and prays for something to happen.

It's been three years since Colette's husband died serving his country, and despite her inviting smiles, Elliot refuses to ask her out. He hesitates, wondering if, and when, there will ever be a chance at a new beginning for either of them.

Then Colette leads a new Christmas program at their church to bless needy families in the community with dinner and gifts. Individuals will pair up and visit the twelve homes on their list - each visit representing a different story. Before he can second guess himself, Elliot asks Colette to be his partner.

As Elliot and Colette discover a wealth of emotions along their twelve visits, will love be among them?

Book information

ISBN: 9781393442004
Publisher: Draft2digital
Imprint: Michelle Lynn Brown
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 84
Weight: 118g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 5mm