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Thundershock in Pummelo Stadium (Pokémon: Chapter Book)

Thundershock in Pummelo Stadium (Pokémon: Chapter Book) - Pokémon Chapter Books

Paperback (25 Jul 2017)

  • $6.85
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Publisher's Synopsis

This reissued illustrated chapter book is based on the classic characters found in Pokemon GO and the classic animated series on Netflix.

Step aside, Trainers! Ash Ketchum is on a winning streak, and he's going all the way to the top. With the help of Pikachu and Charizard, Ash wins his final Orange League badge. Now he's ready to take on a true Pokemon champion for the Winner's Cup. But a mighty Dragonite stands in his way. Is Ash's Pikachu strong enough to down this dragon?This reissued illustrated chapter book is based on the classic characters found in Pokemon GO and the classic animated series on Netflix.

Book information

ISBN: 9781338175981
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Imprint: Scholastic Inc.
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 68g
Height: 188mm
Width: 132mm
Spine width: 8mm