Paradoxium II: Order From Chaos

Paradoxium II: Order From Chaos

Paperback (28 Jul 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Dark art and poetry. The second installment of the "Three Worlds" series of books written by Gary Lewis. Paradoxium intends to describe and depict the workings and perception of chaos in nature. How it interacts and works in both the microcosm and macrocosm. As opposed to the first Paradoxium book (The Place That Cannot Be) which was themed around personality types and social chaos, "Paradoxium II: Order from Chaos" is themed around the macrocosmic evolution of events and what we call things, revolving around how chaos carves and shapes order, delving deep into the pattern that governs all events... Energy brings Order into Chaos, creating an embodiment of Chaos... That Chaos brings Energy into Order, creating an embodiment of Order... then that Order brings Chaos into Energy, creating an embodiment of Energy. There is also plenty of fun and interpersonal madness strewn about within the pages of chaos, for entertainment.

Book information

ISBN: 9781329416345
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 531g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 12mm