Cat At the Glasnost Hotel: The Rocky Years

Cat At the Glasnost Hotel: The Rocky Years

eBook (06 Apr 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Cats, being exceptionally clever, let humans think that they control the destiny of a country. In rocky times for Russia and the Soviet Union, cats step forward and control the vertical, control the horizontal. As the Soviet Union splinters, and as Russia re-awakens,cats gather midnight in a crummy Leningrad courtyard, to hear tales of their heroes. Off to the side, a tubby tabby, named simply "Koshka," dreams of becoming a wonder cat. William Jack holds a masters degree and a doctorate from the University of Michigan, in Slavic languages and literatures, specializing in Russian literature of the twentieth century. He has studied and worked in the USSR and in Russia.

Book information

ISBN: 9781329042742
Pub date:
Weight: -1g