Patrick O'Brien's Grand Prix Rating System: Season Summaries 1920-1929

Patrick O'Brien's Grand Prix Rating System: Season Summaries 1920-1929

Paperback (17 Oct 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The 2013 Formula One season was dominated by the Vettel/ Red Bull-Renault package, which won 13 of the 19 races. Many reckon that Vettel is one of the great drivers. Some however argue that Vettel was fortunate in having the fastest car, the Red Bull-Renault. Just how good was Vettel compared with his peers? This publication compares grand prix and Formula One drivers, cars and packages in simple arithmetic terms. For the first time the driver has been separated from the car and each is expressed as separate performance elements that make up the performance package. Just how much current four-time champion Vettel contributes to the Red Bull-Renault's recent dominance is explained and quantified. The author's analysis starts from the first car race in 1894, from Paris to Rouen, and includes over 1,200 grand prix races. The Patrick O'Brien Grand Prix Rating System is divided into 13 volumes, one for each decade of the pre-Formula One era (1894-1949) and Formula One era (1950-2013). This book covers 1920-1929.

Book information

ISBN: 9781326557201
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 188
Weight: 434g
Height: 209mm
Width: 296mm
Spine width: 17mm