Publisher's Synopsis
WHERE'S MY BUTLER? After years of struggle with marriage, where two are expected to trust, Jomiloju Rotimi Arishe, child of Omiran II, with dogged integrity tries to save a mysteriously and wickedly broken marriage to divorced Fisayo Arigidi! What was joined and later put asunder paved way to love and death. These are not without contradictions. Love starts with longing and ends bitter. Death, with sadness and leaves longing. Though, Jomiloju Rotimi (J.R) and Fisayo Busola (F.B) fell in and out of love, their nuptial arrangement, in this odyssey, is bridled with disappointment, dissonance, and disputes, which is not without the long reach of powers, no one dares to ignore. Years have passed, what happened and becomes of their suffered children is narrated, as lessons learned from the diary of their father, by their only living child.