Monsters & Maidens: The Manticore Rampant

Monsters & Maidens: The Manticore Rampant

eBook (18 Nov 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Celsha is a beautiful young cleric, bearing the symbol of the manticore rampant upon her shield. Trained in the healing arts, Celsha is convinced into joining a party heading into the lost holds of Iron Mountain. When the dungeon delve turns into a disaster, Celsha is left alone in the darkness, that is until she meets a real manticore. Intelligent, powerful, and more like a man than a beast, Celsha becomes fascinated by the manticore. But upon discovering one of her friends might be alive, Celsha must make a deal with the beast of legend to save a life. Frightened and entranced in equal measure, Celsha must succumb to the beast's demands or lose a friend. But will she lose herself in the process?

Book information

ISBN: 9781312618954
Pub date:
Weight: -1g