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The Secret of the Petrified Tablet

The Secret of the Petrified Tablet - Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection

Graphic ed

Paperback (25 Feb 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Two of the fiercest crime lords in New York City are on a quest to decipher an ancient petrified tablet... whose secrets promise great power! It's an indisputable classic by two of Marvel's greatest creators, Stan Lee and John Romita Sr. - and that's not all they have in store! J. Jonah Jameson has the Daily Bugle working overtime to brand Spider-Man as Public Enemy Number One, the Prowler hits the scene, the Black Widow debuts her sultry new spy gear and the origin of Peter's parents is revealed! Plus, the Kingpin comes back for more, and this time it's a family affair! Also featuring Gwen Stacy and the gang... whose heads are really going to turn when an ill Peter Parker strolls into a party in his Spider-Man costume! Collecting: Vol. 5: Amazing Spider-Man(1963) 68-85, Annual (1964) 5, 6 (cover only)

Book information

ISBN: 9781302921965
Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
Imprint: Marvel Worldwide, Inc.
Pub date:
Edition: Graphic ed
DEWEY: 741.5973
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 456
Weight: 700g
Height: 169mm
Width: 260mm
Spine width: 18mm