Publisher's Synopsis
"The Right Thing to Do: Basic Readings in Moral Philosophy" is a companion reader to the best-selling text: "The Elements of Moral Philosophy" (0-07-8119065). Authors James Rachels and Stuart Rachels offer engaging, thought-provoking essays on compelling issues that students are familiar with and understand. This rich collection of essays can be used on its own for a course on moral philosophy, or it can be used to supplement other introductory texts. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective. It provides tools that make assessment easier, learning more engaging, and studying more efficient. For instance, Connect contains SmartBook, the first and only adaptive reading experience available for the higher education market. Powered by the intelligent and adaptive LearnSmart engine, SmartBook facilitates the reading process by identifying what content a student knows and doesn t know. As a student reads "The Right Thing to Do: Basic Readings in Moral Philosophy," the material continuously adapts to ensure that he or she is focused on the content most crucial to closing specific knowledge gaps."