Cats on the Job

Cats on the Job 50 Fabulous Felines Who Purr, Mouse, and Even Sing for Their Supper

Paperback (14 Dec 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A number of working cats are specifically hired for their superb mouse-catching skills, others have more focused careers as hosts and bed warmers in inns and hotels. Each of the stories of adorable feline coworkers in this book will be paired with heart warming colour photographs, making this the perfect book for cat lovers of all ages.

About the Publisher

St Martin's Press

St. Martin's Press has a long and respected history of publishing a solid and varied list. We are dedicated to publishing emerging new authors, and offering a fresh perspective on classic genres, while maintaining a diverse and interesting range of books. Our strength is derived from a dedication to solid publishing of many books, while consistently producing the occasional blockbuster.

Book information

ISBN: 9781250072375
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Imprint: St Martin's Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 636.8
DEWEY edition: 23
Weight: 610g
Height: 193mm
Width: 232mm
Spine width: 16mm