Publisher's Synopsis
Donovan Research Library and the US Armor Research Library are now part of the
Maneuver Center of Excellence Libraries Virtual Library program. For the past few
years, both libraries have processed large parts of their historical collections of student
papers, post newspapers, documents, yearbooks, and other materials to be digitized.
The collections represent the intellectual talent of research and education that soldiers
receive from the faculty, historians, and staff of the US Army Infantry School and US
Army Armor School and its divisions.
This collection contains personal experience papers and monographs describing
combat operations, campaigns, and battle tactics from various wars and years in US
History, including World War I, the Korean War, and Vietnam War. Some titles in
this collection include: Operations of the 108th Infantry, 27th Division, in the British
Offensive Towards Maubeuge, Mobile Riverine Force, and "The Training, Infiltration,
and Operations or a North Vietnamese Soldier. This paper is part of this Infantry School
Papers collection.