Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1885 edition. Excerpt: ...his maistir Before jone womenne. But I schall preue to 30U pertly, And telle you my tale. 136 f I was presente with pepull I Whenne prese was full prest, f To mete with his maistir, I With mayne and with myght, f And hurled hym hardely, I And hastely hym arreste, And in bandis full bittirly Bande hym sore all fat nyght. 140 And of tokenyng of trouth schall I telle yowe, Howe yone boy with a brande Brayede me full nere, --Do move of thej materes emelle yowe, --For swiftely he swapped of my nere. 144 His maistir with his myght helyd me all hole, That by no syne I cowthe see noman cowbe it witten, And ban1 badde hym bere pees in euery ilke bale, For he bat strikis with a swerd with a swerde schall be streken. 148 1 MS. has bon. and tells how he struck offMalcus' Latte se whedir grauntest bou gilte, Do speke oon and spare not to telle vs, Or full faste I schall fonde pe flitte, The soth but pou saie here emelle vs. 151 Come of, do tyte! late me see nowe, In sauyng of thy selffe fro schanjg, ----3a, and also for beryng of blame. Petrus. I was neuere with hym in werke bat he wroght, In worde nor in werke, in will nor in dede, 157 I knawe no corse pat je haue hidir brought, In no courte of this kith, if I schulde right rede. Malehus. Here, sirs 1 howe he sais and has forsaken 160 His maistir to pis woman here twyes, And newly oure lawe has he taken, Thus hath he denyed hym thryes. Enter Jesus with yd and 4//1 soldiers. Jesus. Petir, Petir, bus saide I are, 164 When you saide you wolde abide with me, In wele and woo, in sorowe and care, Whillis I schulde thries for-saken be. Petrus. Alas! be while pat I come here! 168 That euere I denyed my lorde in quarte, The loke of his faire face so clere With full sadde sorowe sheris my harte. Miles...."