Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1901 Excerpt: ...Books ami the house was broke open, the contents rifled, scattered, wrecked, Jd! and exposed to general plunder, your memorialist's papers taken away, furnishing amusement to the lower orders of people assembled in their huts in the evening, whilst other papers were returned to your memorialist. Those which related to your memorialist's private and domestic concerns were withheld, and memorialist has not been able to regain possession of them, nor of his private letter-book. A vindictive That Lieutenant Lawson, by way of pursuing the system of oppression which he had thus wantonly commenced, seized every opportunity to harrass and distress your memorialist, regardless of his extreme ill-health and infirmities, which required attendance and nourishment: and with a view to cut off' your memorialist from every resource of this kind, Lieutenant Lawson published an order threatening to punish any man with 200 lashes who should do anything for your memorialist, or even to seem to hold converse with him. Hayes and Your memorialist repeats his declaration of being unconscious of any act he had ever done to merit such severe, such unheard-of treatment, and if, from the temporary zeal of his mind, and an honest indignation at the outrages and indignities committed against the representative of Majesty, your memorialist has expressed himself incautiously, and unsuspecting that his words would be reported with the usual additions and tortured construction by spies and emissaries, and such expressions have been offensive and irreconcilable to men not in authority, but in power, memorialist humbly trusts he may be permitted to plead the justice of the cause by which he felt himself actuated, and that since those measures have been marked by His Majesty's displeasure, it ...