Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1828. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... CHAP. V. Removal of Mr. Cecil from the University to Gray's Inn--His first marriage --Becomes known to King Henry VJII.--Obtains a reversionary promise of the office of Custos Brevium in the Court of Common Pleas. " When he had proceeded Master of Arts, and continued at the University about six years, and that his friends thought his learning theire sufficient (unless he shold proceed Doctor, and professe some one studie or science, as, for his greedie desire of lerning, in short tyme he might, but that God, seeing his towardnes, reserved him for a further instrument to sett forth his glory), he left the University." There are some mistakes in this MS. which plainly shew it could not have been written under the direction of the family. The date of Lord Burghley's birth is one, which, as is the case in many other writings, is put 1521, though Lord Burghley had corrected that mistake* himself in another place. The author here also seems to be wrong as to his having proceeded Master of Arts before he left the University, whereas, in another place, he is expressly stated to have proceeded M. A. when he accompanied Queen Elizabeth to Cambridge, in 1564, being then Chancellor of that University." In the next clause there are also some mistakes. He appears, however, to have really made the mistake himself, as maybe seen by the Facsimile of his Journal. VOL. I. I " The sixth of May, 33 Henry VIII. being nineteen yeres old, he went to the Inns of Court, and was student in Graies Inne, where he profitted as before at Cambridge." On the sixth of May, 33 Henry VIII. he must have been more than nineteen years of age; his own MS. Diary, still preserved, supplies us with a more correct account. "Anno 1541, Maii vi . veni ad Grayes-In, cum essem natus annos xxi." W..."