Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1813 Excerpt: ...from Guanacauri to Los Bannos) with the series of triangles; and the last served for the observatory jointly with the base. The observations at all these were completely finished at this time; for though the next year we found it necessary to go to Cuenca to repeat the astronomical observations, yet all the operations relating to the geometrical mensurations were accurately finished at this time. v XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII.--Signals on the Mountains of Guapulo, Pambamarca, Campanario, Cuicocha, and Mira. In the year 1744, when we returned to the province of Quito, in order to conclude the whole work, having conquered the difficulties which obliged us to intermit the astronomical observations, as we have already observed, Don George Juan added six stations to the series of triangles, there being a necessity for repeating the observations of Guapulo and Pambamarca, in order to extend the series of triangles sarther to the northward, and of his repairing again to the mountains of Campanario and Cuicocha. Here, and at Pambamarca, he was obliged to remain amidst all the inconveniences and hardships of those dreadful regions, till he had completed the necessary observations; all which he bore with great magnanimity; but at those of Guapulo and Mira, which served to connect the observatory, those inconveniences were avoided; but as the observations at the last station were jointly performed by both companies, the particulars of them have been already mentioned. CHAP. IV.--Description of the City of Quito. AS in the preceding descriptions of the several cities and towns, I have not swelled the accounts with chronological and historical remarks, I shall observe the same method with regard to Quito, and only give an accurate account of the present state of this...