Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1884 Excerpt: ...became pregnant, and one day, as she was proceeding to the Latcran Basilica, she was seized with the pains of child-labor, on tho rc'rtd between the Colosseum and the church of St. Clement, and there she died, and was buried without any honors, after a pontificate of two years, five months, and four days. The first to mention this delectable piece of scandal was Marianus Scotua. a monk of the abbey of Fulda, who died at Mivnz In 1086; but the story Is given more circumruuvtlally in the "Lives of the Popes," written by Martlnus Polonus, a Cistercian monk, and confessor to Gregory X. 41 Until the Reformation," says Gibbon, ' the tale was repeated and believed without offense." Its refutation is due to the learned Protestant, David Blondel. There Is an ancient miracleplay upon this subject, in German, entitled "The Canonization of Pope Joan, 1480," which was widely diffused, and which did much to shake the popular reverence for the Papal See. Jor kt y of Norfolk. An epithet conferred upon Sir John, son of Sir Robert Howard, a close adherent to the house of York, and remarkable alike for the magnificence of his estate and for the high offices which he held. In 1470, he was summoned to Parliament by the title of Lord Howard, was made commander-in-chief of nil the king's naval forces for resisting the Lancastrians, then rallying under the Earl of Warwick and the Duke of Clarence; and, In the following year, he was constituted deputy-governor of Calais and the marches adjacent. He did not, however, long enjoy these advantages, for the next year he accompanied his master, Richard III., to the field of Bosworth, and, notwithstand Ingthe celebrated and friendly warning which was posted on his tent during the night before tho battie, of &...