Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1753 edition. Excerpt: ... CHAP. III. To the Friend. BEFORE I begin my instructions on this head, it is necessary to say something concerning the article of friendship itself* of which, I think, there are to be found three several sorts. An ingenious French writer has indeed divided them into many more; but as they all (except one) come under my second or third head, I shall not in this place follow his division. The first fort is that real, true, and reciprocal friendship, which was said to subsist between Pylades and Orestes, Castor and Pollux, and between several others, that are to be found in cerK 4 tain tain books----and perhaps no-where else The second is that fort of intercourse, where good-fellowship, good wine, and a certain fympathetical idleness, draw people together and in such a society, till they quarrel about some trifle or other, they generally choose to call one another by the name of Friend. The third sort is where one person has a real, capacity for the exercise of such friendship, as was shewn from Jonathan to David; and who from a desire of energizing this his favourite affection, has attached himself to an artful cunning man. It is in this third class alone, that my rules can properly be exercised* To all those, therefore, who, by the specious bait of pretended goodness and benevolence, have been so lucky as to have drawn on upon their hook one of these these gudgeons, I shall address the in structions in this chapter. In the first place, be very careful not to mistake your man. The marks by which you may know your proper dupes are as follow: An honest, open countenance is a very good sign: for there is much more m physiognomy, than people gene" rally seem to allow. If he talks in company greatly in praise of benevolence, good-nature, ...