Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1921 edition. Excerpt: ...Report on the lead and zinc deposits of Wisconsin; Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Bull. No. XIV, 1906, p. 28. recognized in the descriptons. So far as they can be separated, the upper part of the group, corresponding probably to the Shakopee, seems to consist of somewhat more thinly-bedded, less crystalline dolomites than the Oneota below, and to contain more sandy and shaly layers interbedded. Chert is abundant, and Cryptozoon minnesotense is characteristic. A small fauna, described from the upper one-third of the Prairie du Chien is quite probably from the Shakopee.174 Shakopee fauna. Hellcotoma pecatonica Sardeson. Raphistoma multivolvatum Calvin. Raphistoma minnesotense (Owen) Sardeson. Straparollus claytonensis Calvin. Murchisonia argylensis Sardeson. Subulites exactus Sardeson. Crytoceras luthei Calvin. Other forms are listed from the Prairie du Chien (Lower Magnesian) but since their exact horizons are not known, they are of less value.175 Prairie du Chien fauna. Fucoids, gen. and sp. Stromatopora concentrica, Goldf. Leptaena barabuensis, Winchell. Metoptoma barabuensis, Whitf. Metoptoma recurva, Whitf. Metoptoma retrorsa, Whitf Metoptoma similis, Whitf. Euomphalus strongi, Wnitf. Straparollus sp. undet. Ophileta uniangularis, Vanuxem. Ophileta sp. Hoiopea (Pleurotomaria) turgida, Hall. Holopea sp.? Scaevogyra elongata, Whitf. Scaevogyra obliqua, Whitf. Scaevogyra swezeyi, Whift. Orthoceras primigenium. Hall. Dikellacephalus barabuensis, Whitf. Dikellacephalus eatoni, Whitf. Illaenurus covexus, Whitf. The Shakopee of Wisconsin is correlated with that formation in adjacent states, and is presumed to be the equivalent of the Jefferson City and Cotter of Missouri and Arkansas (p. 39). "'Grant, V. S., and Burchard, B. F., ...