Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1884 edition. Excerpt: ... worshipsull of the Lawes, Master D. Garropius, thy brother, (as in euerie Letter that thou writ'st to him thou tearmst him, ) who, for all he is a ciuill Lawier, will neuer be Lex loquens, a Lawier that shall lowd throate it with, Good, my Lord, consider this poor mans case. But thogh he be in none of your Courts Licentiate, and a Courtier otherwise, hee is neuer like to be; one of the Emperour Iustinians Courtiers (the ciuill Lawes chiefe Founder) malgre he will name himselfe: and a quarter of a yeare since, I was aduertised, that aswell his workes, as the whole body of that Law compleat, (hauing no other employment in his Facultie) hee was in hand to tourne into English Hexameters; and if he might haue had his will, whiles he was yet resident in Cambridge, it mould haue been seuerely enacted throghout the Vniuersitie, that none should speake or ordinarily conuersc, but in that cue. For himselfe, hee verie religiously obseru'd it, neuer meeting anie Doctor or frend of his, but he would salute him, or giue him the time of the day in it most heroically, euen as hee saluted a Phisition of speciall account in these tearmes. Nere can I meet you, fir, but needs must I veile my bonnetto. Which he (loth to be behinde with him in curtesie) thus turnd vpon him againe, Nere can I meet you, fir, but needs must I call ye knauetto. Once hee had made an Hexameter verse of seauen feete, whereas it would lawfully beare but fixe; which fault / a pleasant Gentleman hauing found him with, wrapt the said verse in a peece of paper, & sent a lowse with it, inserting vnderneath, This verse hath more feet than a lowse. But to so Dictionarie a custome it was grown with him, that after supper if he chaunst to play at Cards, and had but one Queen of Harts light in..