Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1805 edition. Excerpt: ... hardened hearts to glance upon and bound off, but pure and feeling minds into which they penetrate. I not only found myself solicited, and urged on every side to publish what I had written, but I was favoured by persons of the purest mind and highest rank, with the gift of documents the most precious in my work. Thus I became possessed of the most circumstantial account yet communicated of the flight of Louis XVI. and Maria Antoinetta in 1791, of their deplorable arrest at Varennes, in a word, of the whole of that event, from the day the project was conceived, to the termination of the captivity which was the melancholy result of it; an account which, I might say, was dictated by the Queen. It has been my good fortune also to obtain another paper, relative to this event, which decided the fate of the French empire, a paper that has been in my possession for seven years, and on which I have never been able to cast my eyes, without experiencing a sudden emotion of sorrow, respect, and pity, similar to what I felt at the mo mcnt I first received it. It consists but of a few pages, but those pages were written, were given to me, by one who of all human beings inspires at present the greatest interest, and commands the highest veneration; by her, who to the influence of her own graces, virtues, and misfortunes, adds the constant recollection of four Martyrs, of whom she was the daughter, the sister, and the niece; by her who, wherever she goes, carries with her the memory of them, their features, the idea of all that befel them, all their greatness and all their misfortunes, all their goodness and all their sufferings; the most sacred rights, the noblest devotion, charms the most innocent;, all blasphemed, all emulously sacrificed by the most...