Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1842 edition. Excerpt: ... jects, of whatsoever quality or degree, to repair unto f tfag king without their warrant, upon the pain of % A/Pq//frss being pursued as public enemies, as will appear by 0 the copy herein inclosed: they have also sent some 0 l of their members to assist the committee at the army, ., _ with directions that they proceed with the constant tf.. advice and consent of the committee of both houses, &nw tw according to the covenant and treaty. That they earnestly entreat his majesty to grant the joint desires of both kingdoms, when they shall be pre-sented unto him. And in the mean time, that he grant no titles of honour, pensions, or places, to any of his subjects of Scotland; and in every thing else to study a fair correspondence between the kingdoms., We are your affectionate friends and servants, y 0 Lauderdale. fW, Worcester House, / A A OU-/tMfcm May 20, 1646. SIR THOMAS LITTLETON TO MR. SANCROFT. Sir, --My worthy good friend, doctor Holdsworth, the master of your college, hath done me the favour to recommend you unto me to be a tutor to one of my sons; and I am so fully satisfied of your learning and virtue, that it is my earnest desire you will take him into your care and charge, being very hopeful of receiving comfort in your education of him. I have appointed that he shall bo with you about the end of this month, and do think his elder brother will come with him, and make some stay in Cambridge; for I have signified to him, that for some particular reasons he should so do, and I am confident he will. I request you, therefore, that you would, against that time, provide him of a private lodging, where he may have the commodity of dressing his diet and a private stable, there or near to the lodging, for four or five horses; it will be more.