Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1821 edition. Excerpt: ... sjirfra" jsjftfisx Zyvnr mia /vs/tZ i 'ttZ'ftA-MTTV3 Laedeth benee yisrael hashemereem hashokeneem baair angeland. "To the congregation of the children of Israel, the Samaritans dwelling in the city England." I mention this circumstance here, that any of the literati who are curious in oriental matters may know the residence of such a curiosity, and consult it when opportunity may offer. If my recollection be correct, a part of the epistle is accompanied with a Latin translation. For further information relative to this people, I must refer the reader to Prideaux's Connections, as quoted above; to Ludolf's and Huntington's Let tcrs; and to Basnage's History of the Jews. Whether any remains of this very antient sect of mongrel Jews be now in existence at Sichem or elsewhere I have not been able to learn. According to De Sacy there ate. CHAP. IX. State of the modern Jews--Their Liturgy. THERE is some reason to fear that many Jews in the present day have drank deeply into the infidel spirit of the times, and no longer receive the writings of the Old Testament as divinely inspired. A Jewish Rabbi, a man of extensive information, and considerable learning, lately observed to me, that "as Moses had to deal with a grossly ignorant, stupid, and headstrong-people, he was obliged to have recourse to a pious fraud, and pretend that the laws he gave them were sent to him by the Creator of all things: and that all the antient legislators and formers of new states who had a barbarous people to govern were obliged to act in the same way, such as Menu, Numa, Lycurgus, Mohammed, &c. and that the time was very near at hand, when all the inhabitants of the civilized world would be of one religion, viz. Deism, which, he said was a system of truth, ...