Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1888 edition. Excerpt: ... Aahmes, see Amasis. Ab-Karkha, ancient Choaspes, river, 334. Achaeans, an early Greek nation, of Pelasgic stock, 202, 203. Aderbeidjan, see Atropatene. Adilyas, a group of Aryan deities, 41. Ai'shma-Daiva, first of Dacvas, 93; see Asmodeus. Agamtunu, see Agbatana. Agbatana (modern Hamadan), capital of Media, 262; palace and citadel of, 263-266. Ahasuerus, Hebrew name of Xerxes, 404. Ahi. the Aryan Cloud-Serpent,47. Ahriman, see Angra-Mainyu. Ahuna-Vairya (Tarsi Honover), the most sacred and potent text. 86; its power over the fiends, 87. A Aura-Mazda, the supreme god of Eran, meaning of the name, 61: originally a sky-god, 61, 62; his connection with Mithra, 62, 63; the chief of the Amesha- Spentas, 75; their creator, 77. Airydna-Vaeja, DEGREES the primeval home of the Aryas, 37. Aji-Dahaka (same as Aji), 88. Aji, the Fiend-Serpent, 80; see Ahi. Akhxmenes (Hakhamanish), prince of the Pasargadae, the founder of the Persian heredi- tary monarchy, 279, 286. Akhaemenidse, name of the dynasty founded by Akhaemenes, 279; genealogical table of the, 287. Ako-mand, "Worst Mind," op- posed to Vohu-mano. 103. Alarodians, supplanted by Aryans in Urartu, 187. Alexander the Great of Mace- don burns down Persepolis, 27. Alborj, see Hara-Berezaiti. Allegory, as different from myth, 72. Alyattes. king of Lydia, aggran- dizes Lydia, 219; his war with Media, 220; makes peace with Kyaxaies and marries his daugh- ter to Kyaxares' son Astyages, 221; the greatest of the Mer- mnadae, 306. Amardians, or Mardians, one of the nomadic Persian tribes, I probably un-Aryan, 278. 1 Amasis (Aahmes) dethrones Hophra and usurps the crown of Egypt, 307; his liberal poli- cy obnoxious to the Egyptians, 347. 348; prepares against a Persian invasion under Kam- byses, 348, 349....