Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1852 edition. Excerpt: ... Sanderson's Last Will and Testament (in his Life by Isaac Chap. Walton: ) I am abundantly satisfied that the Schism which VIII. the Papists lay to our charge is very justly chargeable upon v-ym themselves. 8 Bp. Jewell, Apol. iv. 9 Casauboni, Epist. p. 494. Postremd addit Rex (Jacobus Primus) magnum se quidem crimen j udicare, defectionem ab Ecclesia; sed huic crimini affineni se esse, aut Ecclesiam suam, penitiis denegat: Non enim fugimus, aiebat ejus Majestas, sed fugamur. CHAPTER VIII. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND HAS NEVER BEEN SEPA-RATE FROM THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. 6H. 1. You say that the Church of England did not separate herself from that of Rome; but did she not separate herself from the Universal Church? and (as St. Augustine says against the Donatist Schismatics) Ecclesia quse non communicat cum omnibus gentibus, non est JUcclesia.1 21. The Church of England never separated herself from any Catholic Church, much less from the Catholic Church: on the contrary, she reformed herself, in order to become again more truly3 and soundly Catholic, both in doctrine and discipline; and so far from not communicating with the Catholic Church, she declares, that "Except a man believe faithfully the Catholic faith he cannot be saved: " she acknowledges the authority Eng. Art of the Catholic Church, she prays daily for its"" "good estate: " she believes nothing that the Catholic Church has rejected, and rejects nothing that it believes: she is United in faith, hope, and Part charity with every member of it, under Christ the Head of the Church f and she admits the Baptism and Holy Orders of the Church of Home, and thus communicates with her:4 and as for the comparison with the Donatists, it is much more applicable to a communion like that of Rome, which...