Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1764 edition. Excerpt: ...destroy them in time. I saw much sulphur and alum in the sjlfaterre at Mountserrat. The stream that runs through it, is almost as hot as boilin.: water, and its steams soon blacken silver, sV. 6 Or Or sends forth thick, blue, suffocating steams; Or shoots to temporary flame. A din, Wild, thro' the mountain's quivering rocky caves, 305 Like the dread crash of tumbling planets, roars. When tremble thus the pillars of t, he globe, Like the tall coco by the fierce North blown; Can the poor, brittle, tenements of man Withstand the dread convulsion? Their dear homes, 400 (Which shaking, tottering, crashing, bursting, fall, ) The boldest fly; and, on the open plain Appal'd, in agony the moment, wait, When, with disrupture vast, the waving earth Shall whelm them in her sea-disgorgiqg womb. 405 Nor less affrighted ate the bestial kind. The bold steed quivers in each panting vein, And staggers, b2th'd in deluges of sweat: Thy lowing herds forsake their grassy food, And send forth frighted, woful, hollow sounds: 410 The dog, thy trusty centinel of night, Deserts his post assign'd; and, piteous, howls., Wide ocean feels: ----The mountain-waves, pasting their custom'd bounds, L 2 Make Make direful, loud incursions on the land, 415 All-overwhelming: Sudden they retreat, With their whole troubled waters; but, anon, Sudden return, with louder, mightier force; (The black rocks whiten, the vext shores resound;) And yet, more rapid, distant they retire. 429 Vast coruscations lighten all the sky, With volum'd flames; while thunder's awful voice, From forth his shrine, by night and horror girt, Astounds the guilty, and appals the good: For oft the best, smote by the bolt of heaven, 425 Wrapt in ethereal flame, forget to live: Else, fair Theana.--Muse, her..