Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1846 edition. Excerpt: ... stinging heat, which is especially external over the whole chest. Heat in the forenoon, thirst early in the morning, after rising. Frequently dry heat in the head, upon entering the room, followed by a little thirst, in the evening, (19. d.) Heat in the whole body, as if sw DEGREESat would break out, (a. 14 d.) Frequent flushes of heat, with subsequent sweat, (13. d.) Great heat, when in bed at night; then sweat early in the morning, (18. d.) Heat in the palms of the hand, soles of the feet, and in the face, in the evening, immediately after lying down (with thirst;) afterwards sweat, (2. 3. 4. d.) Early after rising, sensation of heat, and a little sweat in the hands, and swelling sweat of the feet. Heat over the whole body, with redness of the face and sweat, when taking exercise in the open air, (a. 24 d.) Heat and sweat, in the afternoon; then a little thirst. Sweat about midnight, (a. 4 d.) * Sweat over the whole body for several nights. Copious sweat, early in the morning when in bed, (2. d.) ANACARDIUM. This is the fruit of a tree--Avicennia tomentosa, semecarpus Anacardium--which grew upon the DEGREESEtna, in Sicily, at the time of the Arabs, and is now to be found in the forests of the East Indies. Between the external, black, shining, heart-shaped, hard shell, and the sweet kernel which is covered with a brown reddish thin skin, there is a thickly, blackish juice contained in a cellular tissue, with which the Indians mark their linen in an indelible manner, and which is so sharp that moles may be etched away by means of it. In the fruit which we receive here (in Germany) this juice, which is commonly of the consistence of honey, is generally found dry. One grain of this juice is to be triturated, and the different potencies