Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1911 edition. Excerpt: ... NOTES Page 8. A general presentation of these data will be found in F. Ratzel, History of Mankind; Sophus Muller, Urgeschichte Europas. Page 9. A. Penck, "Das Alter des Menschengeschlechtes" (Zeitschrift ftir Ethnologie, vol. xl, pp. 390 et seq.); Pence And Bruckner, Die Alpen im Eiszeitalter (Leipzig). Page 10. Th. Waitz, Anthropologie der Naturvolker (2d ed.), vol. i, p. 381. Page 13. Georg Gerland, Das Aussterben der Naturvolker; F. Ratzel, Anthropogeographie, vol. ii, pp. 330 et seq. Page 14. 1. Henry Barth, Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa (2d ed., London, 1857-1858), vol. ii, pp. 253 el seq.; vol. iii, pp. 425 et seq., 528 et seq.; vol. iv, pp. 406 et seq., 579 et seq. 2. Gustav Nachtigal, Sahara und Sudan, vol. ii, pp. 391 et seq., 691 et seq.; vol. iii, pp. 270 et seq., 355 et seq. Page 16. Mary White Ovtngton, Half a Man, the Status of the Negro in New York (New York, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1911). Page 18. i. Robert Bennett Bean, "On a Racial Peculiarity in the Brain of the Negro" (American Journal of Anatomy, vol. iv [1005D. 2. Fr. P. Mall, "On Several Anatomical Characters of the Human Brain, said to vary according to Race and Sex, etc." (Ibid., vol. ix, pp. 1-32). Page 21. 1. H. Klaatsch, "The Skull of the Australian Aboriginal" (Reports from the Pathological Laboratory of the Lunacy Department, New South Wales Government, vol. i, part iii [Sydney, 1908], pp. '3-167); "Der primitive Mensch der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart" (Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte, 80 Verszu Coin, part i, p. 95); Anatomische Hefte, 1902. 2. C. H. Stratz Den Haag, "Das Problem der Rasseneinteilung der Menschheit" (Archiv fur Anthropologie, N. S., vol. i, pp. 189 et seq.). 3. Otto Schoetensack, ..."