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A Defence of the Blessed Masse, and the Sacrifice Therof Prouynge That It Is Auayleable Both for the Quycke and the Dead and That by Christes Owne and His Apostles Ordynaunce. Made [And] Set Forth by Rycharde Smyth. (1546)

A Defence of the Blessed Masse, and the Sacrifice Therof Prouynge That It Is Auayleable Both for the Quycke and the Dead and That by Christes Owne and His Apostles Ordynaunce. Made [And] Set Forth by Rycharde Smyth. (1546)

Paperback (16 Jul 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Book information

ISBN: 9781171360049
Publisher: Proquest, Eebo Editions
Imprint: Proquest, Eebo Editions
Pub date:
Number of pages: 398
Weight: 708g
Height: 189mm
Width: 246mm
Spine width: 21mm