Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1891 Excerpt: ... Gregorian. Anglican, .6 Chorale. Tune. Carol..7 Evangelistic. Mission. Revival. Sunday School.-8 Choir. Men and Boys. Quartet. Chorus..9 Congregational Singing. Psalmody. Hymnody. 784 Vocal Music..1 Glee. Madrigal. Round. Catch..2 Aria. Cavatina. Recitative, e. g. in Oratorio, Mass, Opera..3 Ballad and Song. Romantic. Idyllic. Sentimental, e. g. Modern German..4 Popular Ballads. Volkslied. e. g. Irish, Scotch, etc..5 Festival, e. g. Saengerbund. Eisteddfod. Competitive..6 College, Society Songs, and Choruses..7 Negro Minstrelsy. Plantation Songs..8 Collected Songs..8rT"Solos;.82, Duets;.83, Trios;.84, Quartets;.85, Other Part Songs;.86, Choruses;.87, Collections for Male Voices;.88, Collections for Female Voices;.89, Other Special Collections..9 Vocal Hygiene, Culture, Development, and Methods. tonic-Sol-Fa. 785 Orchestral MusiC. For Dramatic Orchestral Music, see78; Sacred, 783.1..1 Symphony. Three or more movements; e. g. Adagio, Andante, Allegro, Allegretto, Scherzo, Finale, etc..2 Dramatic, Illustrative, Descriptive, Imitative. e. g. Mendelssohn's Mid-Summer Night's Dream..3 Romantic. Idyllic..4 Program Music..5 Overture, e. g. Beethoven's "Leonores.."6 Concerto. Orchestral with Solo Instrument..7 Chamber Music..8 Suite..9 Arrangements. Transcriptions. Pot Pourris. 786 Piano and Organ..1 Piano. History..2 Manufacture. Tuning. Temperament..3 Instruction..4 Piano Music. General Collections. 1 '.- Plwo conc-no. - 755.-. 4r Sonata. Sonatina. Rondo..42 Fantasia. Arabesque..43 Nocturne. Meditation. Songs without Words. Romantic. Descriptive..44 March and March-form. Polonaise. Polka. Mazourka..45 Dance-form. National. Classical. Idealized..46 Modern Dance Music. Society. Festive..47 Etudes. 'Artistic. For Etudes for Instruction, ..."