Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1907 Excerpt: ... 392. A Girl with a Child on her Lap.--She holds out a glass. Panel, 10J inches by 13 inches. Sale.--J. Schmidt and Hagedorn, Amsterdam, April 24, 1820, No. 133. 393. A Woman with a Child on her Lap.--A boy is at her side. Signed in full; panel, 11 inches by 8 inches. Sale.--Amsterdam, May 14, 1839, No. 249 (14 florins, Roos). 394. The Artist offers his Sister, the Nun, a Golden Hairpin. Panel, 14 inches by 1o inches. Sale.--A. Meynts, Amsterdam, July 15, 1823, No. 121 (200 florins, Van der Berg). 3940. The Artist and a Nun.--He stands behind a table. Both figures are very expressive. On the table, which is covered with a brown cloth, are a jug, a bottle, and cakes. Panel, possibly identical with the preceding (394). Sale.--Amsterdam, August 15, 1825, No. 351 (80 or 100 florins). 395. An Elegant Lady seated with much Dignity at a Table, conversing with an Old Woman. Panel, 12J inches by 9 inches. Sale.--Dowager R. van Ingen, nee C. F. Berg, Haarlem, July 27, 1827, No. 8 (67 florins). 396. A Merry Peasant, cutting Meat from a Bone which he holds in his Hand. Sale.--Rotterdam, September 15, 1834, No. 34 (10 florins). 397. A Lady seated at a Table, reading. Panel, 12 inches by 13j inches. Sale.--F. de Robiano, Brussels, May 6, 1837, No. 619. 3970. A Woman warming her Hands. W. 474.--Very carefully executed. Panel, 13 inches by 10 inches. Sale.--Widow of P. J. van Oosthuyse van Rijsenburg, nie M. de Jongh, The Hague, October 18, 1847, No. 23. 97. A Man, his Wife, and Child.--Spirited, clear, and delicate, igned. In the collection of Edmund Phipps, London, in 1854 (Waagen, ii. 227). 397c A Dutchman. In the Neues Palais, Potsdam, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 580, No. 68). 397/. A Man Seated. In the Esterhazy collection, Vienna, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 580, No. 69). 397. A Man, ...