
Viruses Biology, Applications, Control

Expanded Edition

eBook (20 Jun 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Viruses: Biology, Application, and Control is a concise advanced undergraduate and graduate textbook covering the essential aspects of virology included in biomedical science courses. It is an updated and expanded version of David Harper's Molecular Virology 2e from the Medical Perspectives series. Selected Contents: 1. Virus Structure and Infection 2. Virus classification and evolution 3. Virus Replication 4. Viral Interaction with the Immune System 5. Vaccines and vaccination 6. Antiviral Drugs 7. Beneficial Use of Viruses 8. Emergence, transmission, and extinction 9. Viruses, vectors, and genomics 10. Virus Culture, Detection and Diagnosis Viral Replication Strategies Appe

Book information

ISBN: 9781136665424
Publisher: CRC Press
Imprint: Garland Science
Pub date:
Edition: Expanded Edition
DEWEY: 616.9101
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 324
Weight: -1g