Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1917 Excerpt: ...germ was the art classes inaugurated in 1860 in connection with the science and art department of the nation, one of the fruits of the exposition of 1851. In 1885 Oxford opened university extension lectures in Reading. These were so successful that, with the substantial encouragement of Christ Church, Oxford, by 1893 we have the university extension college, Reading, the schools of science and art being departments of the college. In 1893 a department of agriculture was initiated. In 1895 the British Dairy Farmers' Association agreed to move to Reading the Dairy Institute and to associate it with the college. In 1902 a department of horticulture was organized. In the same year, upon the favorable report of the commissioners of the Treasury, the college was recommended for the receipt of Treasury grants as doing work of university college rank, and therefore the title was changed to "University College." By 1909 a college committee began to investigate the question of the development of the college into a university. A deputation visited centers of agricultural education and research in Canada and the United States and reported in 1911.2 In that year the college decided to apply at an early date for a charter as an independent university. The character of the proposed university was delineated in a summary paragraph: "A university moderate in size and exercising the power of selection and rejection in regard to its students; a university self-governing and well organized; a university providing education at a moderate cost; a university distinguished by resi 1 University College, Reading. Twenty-First Anniversary, Michaelmas Day, 1913, p. 7. '"Agricultural Education, in America and in England. Report of a Deputation Appointed by the Counc...