Knitting Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

Knitting Stitches Visual Encyclopedia 350 Stitch Patterns, Edgings, and More - Teach Yourself VISUALLY Consumer

eBook (13 Sep 2011)

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Hardback (28 Oct 2011) RRP $27.56 $23.93

Publisher's Synopsis

350 stitch patterns you'll use again and again

Knitting Stitches VISUAL Encyclopedia gives you quick visual access to a comprehensive collection of stitch combinations that enable you to create your own designs or modify existing patterns with ease. Each stitch is accompanied by a full-color photo and diagram to make learning even easier, while sidebars guide you through tricky parts of various stitch patterns.

knit and purl patterns  ribs  bobbles and textured stitches  slipstitch patterns  twist-stitch patterns  cables  drop-stitch, eyelet, and lace patterns  borders and edgings  color knitting patterns

Book information

ISBN: 9781118171677
Publisher: Wiley
Imprint: Visual
Pub date:
DEWEY: 746.432042
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 240
Weight: -1g