Traveler's Notebook

Traveler's Notebook

Paperback (02 May 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Do you love traveling, see the world and new places, knowing new cultures and meeting new people? Then you are probably a person who love new experiences, and to never forget these experiences, you need a tool that would help you remember all that happened in your travels, and nothing can help you do that better than a well-organized notebook that you can write all adventures and exciting events that you lived in it. In the future, when you want to go back to the beautiful moments of the past, all you have to do is to open your journal and live them again, enjoying past emotions and feelings and even sharing your stories with your family members or friends.


  • *Appealing cover design
  • *Size: 8.5" x 11" inch
  • *120 lined pages.

    Book information

    ISBN: 9781096671275
    Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
    Imprint: Independently Published
    Pub date:
    Language: English
    Number of pages: 122
    Weight: 299g
    Height: 279mm
    Width: 216mm
    Spine width: 7mm