Publisher's Synopsis
How to let the student to feel the school can give good economic related or non-economic related benefits to satisfy the student future career plan successful development need persuasively and attractively? It will need to include psychological factor to influence its students to raise learning interest when they are studying in the school in whose learning experience stage. I assume that every student will learn hardly when the school can persuade its students can believe that they must earn good career benefit when they can follow the school's discipline to learn hardly in whose whole learning stage in the school. Therefore, one successful persuasive teaching method can influence or persuade the students choose to learn hardly . Usually, in general students need not expect to waste learning time and money to chose one poor teaching quality of school to study. If they can not achieve good examination results or they need increase long time to extend their graduation time, then they will feel waste money and time loss to choose the wrong or unsuitable school to study. It is one rational either positive or negative learning feeling when one student gain good or bad examination result consequently.Hence, one successful school must let students to have confidence, it can raise good quality teaching method to let them to study as well as it can provide good learning environment to let them to feel safe, enjoyable, attractive, persuasive learning attitude when they go to school to enter the classroom to learn every day. So, the school must need to let all students to feel they won't waste money and time economic or non-economic related losses when they choose the school to learn, if the school expected to persuade its students to choose to learn easily.