Publisher's Synopsis
HEALTH. Did you know that your GUT is a muscle? So is your HEART. Do you know what foods exercise both? 23 Ingredients Meal Planner has been tested and proven successful over 50-years. This single recipe -based on 23 Ingredients - is designed to boost your health and fitness, reduce stress, increase your energy, support weight management, reduce disease risk and increase happiness. The body thrives on consistency. 23 Ingredients offers a twice-daily meal plan for all ages, across all countries and cultures. It creates a bridge between vegan, paleo and ketogenic meals and combines the best of all three.WEALTH: 23 Ingredients offers #FoodSecurity at a time when climate change threatens grains such as wheat and corn crops with both drought and flooding. Most of these ingredients can be grown locally. It offers a path out of #FoodPoverty because the estimated $100 per person saved on this $5-A-Day meal plan can be used to pay down credit cards, a mortgage, car payment, or deposited in a savings account each month. HAPPINESS: Are you one of those people who is "too unhappy to take time to be happy" ... take heart. 23 Ingredients was created with you in mind. Even if you don't have time to be happy, you do have time to EAT. Right? When you feed your microbiome its favorite food, it rewards you by producing 90% of your *feel good* Serotonin. You simply have to eat its favorite food and it will return the favor by lifting the corners of your mouth into a smile. You will even find yourself waking up smiling regardless of circumstances because you are changing your body chemistry one meal at a time. Once you learn to shake off food, people, circumstances that don't match your goals, you will free yourself to be who you really are. Sounds easy? It's not. It takes focus, self-discipline and courage to take this 21-Day Challenge. If you're ready to start, start here!