Publisher's Synopsis
Look around you, do you see a mirror? If yes, go stand in front of it. If no, please get one and stand in front of it. Now, what do you see? A beautiful or handsome personality, isn't it? Well, that's who you are, and that's who you're meant to be. You've been designed to be handsome, healthy, and happy. But unfortunately, just as it is typical of humanity, we use our hands to destroy the beautiful things that we've got, and that includes our bodies.
The human body has over 79 organs. Of these, five are vital and essential for human survival. These are the heart, the brain, liver, kidneys, and the lungs. If any of these organs (and indeed all other organs) are harmed in some way, then the body functions will suffer a setback.
This book (the liver rescue diet) discusses the liver and how to keep it in top form.
Every single person has a liver, and this liver must be well taken care of. Your liver plays a critical and vital role in your health and in what your health will look like in 2 decades to come whether you're experiencing any symptoms or not.
The human liver takes charge of more than 500 chemical processes in the human body. Did you know that the liver is the heaviest organ in the body? Yes it is! It is a very intelligent and delicate organs, and it works round the clock to keep your body in a good state. However, for your liver to perform at optimal levels, it needs your help. You must feed itwith the right foods, supplements, and herbs to keep it in shape. As a plus, you must know those things to avoid so that you don't subject your liver to unnecessary stress. That, dear readers, is the reason why this book appears on Amazon. It is not just another cookbook. We've got thousands of cookbooks here. It is a book that explains in detail, the physiology and pathology of the liver, and indeed the entire hepatic system, and also offers firsthand information on how to care for your liver, and how not to handle the liver. But that's not all...
This book gives detailed and very exciting information on the following areas:
-A comprehensive anatomy & physiology of the liver
-Hepatic metabolism - understanding the metabolic activities in your liver
-Your gallbladder - a good friend of your liver
-Pathological conditions that may affect your liver if you fail to take good care of it
-20 breakfast recipes that keeps your liver in top form
-27 shakes/smoothies recipes for your liver
-16 snack recipes that boosts your liver health
-13 soup recipes that keeps your liver young and healthy
-12 healthy salad recipes for your liver
-13 dessert recipes for a healthy liver
So, like I said earlier, it is not just a cookbook. It is a guide for life! Without a healthy liver, the human body is more or less a walking corpse....not good uh?
The information contained in this book will transform your mindset about your liver and what your body needs to recover from illnesses and chronic symptoms. Oh! And I nearly forgot to mention one shocking fact! A study by Asrani et al. (2019) titled Burden of liver diseases in the world (Published in the Journal of Hepatology) has revealed that liver disease accounts for approximately 2 million deaths per year globally, a million due to complications of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, and a million due to viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. We may as well say that 9 out of 10 people presently walking can boast of a stagnant, sluggish, sick, or toxic liver. Not funny at all.
With this book in your hands, you literally have the truth in your hands. The information contained in it will help your liver to regain its health and work at physiological levels to prevent or help you recover from illnesses and symptoms.
To your health!!!